Online Marketing & Website Design Services

How do I provide admin access to my WordPress website?

Do you need to provide access to a website developer to access your website?

If you need to provide access to your WordPress website without giving away your own password, follow the steps below.

Here are the steps to provide a Website Developer with their own login to your website:

  • Login to your WordPress website. If you don’t remember how to get to it, you can usually go directly to the login page by entering this in your browser bar (make sure to replace your domain name):
  • After logging in, look for and navigate to: “Users” => “Add New“.
  • Enter a username and email for the person you want to provide access to. Make sure the select “Administrator” in the “Role” option. This will provide the developer the required access needed in order to make any necessary changes and manage your website fully. The other options provide limited access and will not allow the developer to make all the changes that normally are needed.
  • Click the “Add New User” button to complete the process.

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